Homogenizers are the device to form homogeneous solutions or dispersions of two different phases or even similar phases viz. liquid-liquid mixing and dispersion, liquid-solid dispersion and liquid-gas dispersion.
It is an equipment by which a mixture is made uniform throughout its volume. Mainly used for liquid mixtures that contain one or more immiscible components. Size reduction takes place due to the forcing of particles through the narrow openings of the grating. The resulting mixture is more stable and the particles will not separate out.
Industries Catered : Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Food, Cosmetic, FMCG, etc...
Application : Emulsification, Disintegration, Dissolution, Dispersion and Homogenization.
• This device allows to micronize and scatters the particle suspended in the fluid, so that the product become highly stable.
• It has stator rotor arrangement and no. of stator and rotor can be increased based on application.
• This can be used in applications such as Emulsifying, Homogenizing, and particle size reduction.
• In tank homogenizer’s stator rotor work heads divides the machine into two separate chambers one with the inlet and other with the outlet.
• The stator is available with perforations of different size and shapes.
• It is mounted inside the tank and unit is suitable for blending, mixing, solid disintegrations and suspensions
• Bottom entry mixers are designed to fit into the bottom or side of a mixing vessel.
• These high shear mixers are typically used in conjunction with the slow speed anchor stirrer for high viscosity products.